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    Marketing Manager
    Hi, I’m Amelia, the Marketing Manager at Amazon Publisher Pros. Whether you’re a famous writer or just getting started, we have experts who can review your book. Our editors make sure your manuscript is perfect, and we have specialists for different types of books. They’ll check your work, give you helpful advice, and help you become a better writer.

    Get Your Book Out There with
    Amazon Publisher Pros

    Are you thinking about writing a book? We're here to make it easy for you. Amazon Publishing Pros has a simple and effective process to help you create and publish your book. Here's how it works:
    Mike Major - eBook Cover (Oct 11th, 2023)
    Don't wait any longer – let's get started on your book today!

    Your Book, Your Success

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    We've turned over 300 writers' dreams into reality.

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    Invest in Your Book Dreams with
    Amazon Publisher Pros

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      Frequently Asked Question

      Before contacting us you might want to check whether your question is one of our frequently asked questions.
      The printing cost of the book depends on the following factors.
      Page quality
      Content color
      Number of pages
      Binding type
      Number of copies ordered
      What will be the author’s share when books will be sold?
      Yes, the author has holds 100% film rights for her/his work. But you must notify us the detailed good news to spread socially. That is it. No commission.
      The author will hold the copyrights in all cases.
      In approximately 7 to 14 days, from the time we have the computer typed manuscript, your written (or email) approval for print and the verified payment with us. However, some of the distribution channels may take longer time, but the book will be available in our store within time, with guarantee.